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2023 Rules in Eyes of Arbitration Community
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Arabic Moot (4)
Arabic Moot (5)
Arabic Moot (3)
Arabic Moot (2)
Arabic Moot (1)
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2023 Arb Rules in Eyes of Arbitration Community
Best Teams Award (Top Three).
Best Claimant Memo Award (Top Three).
Best Respondent Memo Award (Top Three).
Best Oralist for Claimant Award (Top Three).
Best Oralist for Respondent Award (Top Three).
Scholarships in CiArb international Arbitrator Fellowship Program.
AFG +93
ALA +358
ALB +355
DZA +213
ASM +1684
AND +376
AGO +244
AIA +1264
ATA +672
ATG +1268
ARG +54
ARM +374
ABW +297
AUS +61
AUT +43
AZE +994
BHS +1242
BHR +973
BGD +880
BRB +1246
BLR +375
BEL +32
BLZ +501
BEN +229
BMU +1441
BTN +975
BOL +591
BES +5997
BIH +387
BWA +267
BVT +47
BRA +55
IOT +246
UMI +1
VGB +1284
VIR +1
BRN +673
BGR +359
BFA +226
BDI +257
KHM +855
CMR +237
CAN +1
CPV +238
CYM +1345
CAF +236
TCD +235
CHL +56
CHN +86
CXR +61
CCK +61
COL +57
COM +269
COG +242
COD +243
COK +682
CRI +506
HRV +385
CUB +53
CUW +599
CYP +357
CZE +420
DNK +45
DJI +253
DMA +1767
DOM +1809
ECU +593
EGY +20
SLV +503
GNQ +240
ERI +291
EST +372
ETH +251
FLK +500
FRO +298
FJI +679
FIN +358
FRA +33
GUF +594
PYF +689
ATF +262
GAB +241
GMB +220
GEO +995
DEU +49
GHA +233
GIB +350
GRC +30
GRL +299
GRD +1473
GLP +590
GUM +1671
GTM +502
GGY +44
GIN +224
GNB +245
GUY +592
HTI +509
HMD +0
VAT +379
HND +504
HKG +852
HUN +36
ISL +354
IND +91
IDN +62
CIV +225
IRN +98
IRQ +964
IRL +353
IMN +44
ISR +972
ITA +39
JAM +1876
JPN +81
JEY +44
JOR +962
KAZ +76
KEN +254
KIR +686
KWT +965
KGZ +996
LAO +856
LVA +371
LBN +961
LSO +266
LBR +231
LBY +218
LIE +423
LTU +370
LUX +352
MAC +853
MKD +389
MDG +261
MWI +265
MYS +60
MDV +960
MLI +223
MLT +356
MHL +692
MTQ +596
MRT +222
MUS +230
MYT +262
MEX +52
FSM +691
MDA +373
MCO +377
MNG +976
MNE +382
MSR +1664
MAR +212
MOZ +258
MMR +95
NAM +264
NRU +674
NPL +977
NLD +31
NCL +687
NZL +64
NIC +505
NER +227
NGA +234
NIU +683
NFK +672
PRK +850
MNP +1670
NOR +47
OMN +968
PAK +92
PLW +680
PSE +970
PAN +507
PNG +675
PRY +595
PER +51
PHL +63
PCN +64
POL +48
PRT +351
PRI +1787
QAT +974
KOS +383
ROU +40
RUS +7
RWA +250
BLM +590
SHN +290
KNA +1869
LCA +1758
MAF +590
SPM +508
VCT +1784
WSM +685
SMR +378
STP +239
SAU +966
SEN +221
SRB +381
SYC +248
SLE +232
SGP +65
SXM +1721
SVK +421
SVN +386
SLB +677
SOM +252
ZAF +27
SGS +500
KOR +82
SSD +211
ESP +34
LKA +94
SDN +249
SUR +597
SJM +4779
SWZ +268
SWE +46
CHE +41
SYR +963
TWN +886
TJK +992
TZA +255
THA +66
TLS +670
TGO +228
TKL +690
TON +676
TTO +1868
TUN +216
TUR +90
TKM +993
TCA +1649
TUV +688
UGA +256
UKR +380
ARE +971
GBR +44
USA +1
URY +598
UZB +998
VUT +678
VEN +58
VNM +84
WLF +681
ESH +212
YEM +967
ZMB +260
ZWE +263