Mediation Procedure

How to Initiate or Request SCCA Mediation

SCCA Mediation Rules provide an efficient and effective procedure for non-adversarial dispute settlement.

To initiate SCCA mediation, parties shall follow the procedures outlined in SCCA Mediation Rules Article 2, which provides as follows:

The initiating party shall provide the following information to the SCCA and the other party or parties as applicable:

a) A copy of the mediation provision of the parties’ contract or the parties’ subsequent agreement to mediate.
b) The names, postal addresses, emails and phone numbers of all parties to the dispute and representatives, if any, in the mediation.
c) A brief statement of the nature of the dispute and the type and/or amount relief sought.
d) Any specific qualifications the mediator should possess.

Where there is no pre-existing stipulation or contract by which the parties have provided for mediation of existing or future disputes under the auspices of SCCA, a party may request the SCCA to invite another party to participate in “mediation by voluntary submission”.

Upon receipt of such a request, the SCCA will contact the other party or parties involved in the dispute and attempt to obtain an agreement to proceed with mediate.